"OLFolderSync can synchronize any Microsoft® Outlook® folder with anyone else s (except Drafts, Outbox, Sent Items and Deleted Items). The folders you allow to be synchronized will do so in the background by e-mail. You can easily synchronize Outlook folders through the internet without the need for both parties to be online at the same time. If you have private data elements on Outlook you can exclude them from the synchronization process. It is also possible to synchronize only objects of a user defined category. The installation is straight forward. To install and use this application you only need your Outlook to be configured with an e-mail account (POP3). After completing the install you will find a new property tab under each Outlook folder, where you can administrate the synchronization features. To configure the Add-In you only enter an access key and the e-mail address of your synchronization partner. The data transfer can be protected with a password. OLFolderSync is very convenient to: - Synchronize your Outlook appointments, contacts and tasks. - Let your PA add and amend appointments, tasks or other Outlook objects while on the other side of the world. - Synchronize birthday dates with friends and family. - Work with a synchronized Outlook calendar, tasks and other documents across your team. - Synchronize Outlook data on your laptop with your desktop. - Check appointments with those of colleagues on the road. - Check club/association schedules with that of other members. - Facilitate schedules to team members. - Outlook net folder alternative (net folders from OL2000). Minimum system requirements: Windows 2000, 2003 or Windows XP and Outlook 2000 - 2003."